about me

True beauty always…why? Because I believe, like Keats, that beauty is truth.  Beauty is the alignment of your body and heart and appearance with the world around. Beauty is wearing your heart on your sleeve and writing what hurts and going out to do what lights you up, because this world is fleeting and we are best and brightest when we are happy. Beauty is loving this life so much that you can see the color in the heartbreak, and can’t help but care for every living thing.  Beauty is the  journey down and in, the truth that your shadow is part of your strength.  Always, because if beauty is truth, then the terrible and haunting and ugly parts are, in their way, beautiful too.

I own Two Trees Herbals.  I am a nationally certified counselor, licensed professional counselor, and licensed clinical addictions specialist, which means I have been granted official permission to do what I most love: counsel and listen to people as they garden their lives into ever-increasing joy.

I facilitate blessingways, herbal retreats and counseling workshops, and lead women’s circles. I love to create space in which music, scent, taste, and touch combine to foster warmth and openness, space in which we are free to tell our truth and grow ever more grounded and powerful.  I plant gardens wherever I can and study permaculture, fascinated by the ecotone where psychology and ecology overlap.

You can find herbal recipes here, for medicine and pleasure; you can find musings about the overlap of permaculture and the psyche; you can find poetry and art and sometimes some music. Take what you like and leave the rest! And, if you are interested in diving deeper, take a look at the events page for upcoming workshops or contact me for personal counseling.


Welcome, and blessings!

6 responses to “about me

  1. Congratulations, lissa!

    I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award.

    The rules of the award are at

    Liebster Award, thanks Carolyn!

  2. Esther

    I am so glad to hear your voice again!

  3. True beauty is beauty of heart. your philosophy is also beautiful. Nice to see your blog about your life. Many people write books to save their travel account. I invented a new method. If you want to save memories of your travel & tour with pictuers, audio,satellite views, travel account, lyrics, etc. then have a look at my blog to see how to make downloadable video presentations:

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  4. Pingback: Sartorial Sublimation: The Art of the Reframe | Clothes Stories

  5. Hi, love your blog, got here because I’m an artist that’s on a journey and is going through a bramble, and can only look back from where I came. Thank you for kind and inspirational words!

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